Wednesday, October 27, 2010

If You HAVE to File, Is There Life After Bankruptcy?

Recently a client sent me a lovely email discussing how well things had worked for them a short time after they had filed a bankruptcy.

This is not to say that bankruptcy is a cure-all for what ails ya, or that it's fun, or easy. It's not.

But sometimes it's the right tool for the job.

So if you're scared to death about bankruptcy, good! You're paying attention!

But some people get a very good result, if they work hard after they file.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Bankruptcy Video Blog Makes Me So Happy!

The search engines have not yet found my Bankruptcy Video Blog, and I know that because when I search for it, it doesn't exist.

Soon it will begin it's relentless climb to the top of the charts, or something like that. And feel free to study my videos, so they help you build better videos for your business, whatever it may be.

But if the search engines have not yet found The Bankruptcy Video Blog, why am I so pleased with it?

Because it has spotlights!

Do you have any idea how long it takes to find a marginally okay background for a blog?

p.s. Okay, now the search engines have found my little tiny bankruptcy video blog. And now my Saturday project is making sure that all the rest of the videos we've shot go in there. And then schedule shooting more videos.

Working to educate the best bankruptcy clients in Arizona takes a remarkable amount of time; it's not that anybody is dumb, it's just that there's a lot to learn about consumer and small business bankruptcy.

Sadly, bankruptcy is really not like tax law; you can't just hand a big box of papers over to your lawyer and run. You have to participate in the process, which may be a one to four year process, after the bankruptcy filing happens!

And that's in a Chapter 7, the easy kind of bankruptcy!

And that means bankruptcy education, so you don't make any one of the fatal bankruptcy errors.

Like filing it right now, instead of filing it right.

And, yeah, I am obsessive. But only a little!
