Sunday, January 9, 2011

How to Blog to Attract All the Customers on Planet Earth. Seriously.

I have a little blog where I try to help baby lawyers (for whom there are no jobs during this depression, and them stuck with huge student loans!) and grownup lawyers who were pushed off the top of their high-rise office because their partners couldn't carry an international widget transaction lawyer when there was a depression and nobody was transacting widgets!

And I just wrote about blogging, and how to blog.

Even though I wrote it for lawyers, it has application if you're a chiropractor, a dentist, or an accountant who is blogging to improve your business prospects.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Free Marketing Opportunity for Very Small Business!

There's an interesting and free new site called

It provides a landing page and an email button and an easy way to list all the website locations that discuss your small business, including your blogs and websites.

Since it seems to me that having an additional website is probably good for entrepreneurs, AND the site is free, have at it!

And better go sooner rather than later, before the guy with all the tattoos and facial piercings with whom you share a name fills up the ecological niche!