Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You Remember How I was Going to Tell You About Google "Places"?

Well, apparently I have a mental block about telling you that Google Places is the first thing you need to do to increase your visibility on the Internet.

And apparently it will take a certain amount of additional therapy until the healing begins, and I actually write to you seriously about Google Places.

But the beauty of the Internet is that I don't have to tell you about Google Places!

Google Places can tell you about Google Places!

So here's a "tour" of Google Places (it's really a screenshot of a Google Places page, with all the fields filled out, and some discussion and information added by....Google!).

And I'll come back and add to this page over time, as I accumulate Round Tuits, and add videos that talk about Google Places, and additional tours and explanations.

But all you have to know today is that you must participate in Google Places if you want to avoid a small business bankruptcy!

Because your competitor down the street is using Google Places!


And what brought the importance of Google Places to my attention was simple: I was talking to a buddy about it, and he said, "Oh, yeah! I know Google Places! And frankly, when I do a search, if it's not in Google Places, I never see it, because I'm too lazy to scroll down!"

So be afraid. Be very afraid.

If you don't participate in Google Places, you will be sad.

p.s. there is at least one scamster who promises to make you the KING OF GOOGLE PLACES if only you will bow down and worship him. And send him lots of money.

DON'T SEND MONEY TO SOMEBODY WHO PROMISES TO TWEAK YOUR GOOGLE PLACES, because you should be able to do a pretty darn good job of filling in the fields (blanks) yourself.

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