Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to Avoid Filing a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy if You're a Baseball Team Called The Dodgers

Sometimes it's better to be lucky than smart.

If your business is in a strip center and the city tears up the street right in front of the only entrance to the center, you may well need the services of a bankruptcy lawyer, even if you're doing everything else right.

And if you're a Major League Baseball Team and you have a three-billion dollar contract over a number of years, you absolutely don't need to file a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.

Unless, of course, Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig refuses to let you enter into the three-billion dollar contract that will bail you out and make you a happy, healthy Dodgers.

So remember, kiddies; it's better to be lucky than smart. And you need to work to find solutions to your problems, but sometimes a Commissioner is going to be standing in your way, and then it's not Miller Time. 

It's bankruptcy time.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A New Anti-Bankruptcy Planning Technique: Fasting!

The City Counsel of Harrisburg believes in bankruptcy as a solution to that city's economic woes.

The Mayor of Harrisburg apparently has a belief in a different sort of non-bankruptcy option: fasting!

You can read more about fasting as a bankruptcy alternative here.

Note: normally, I think of fasting as a way to lose weight and improve your health, not avoid a bankruptcy. But it takes all kinds to fill the freeways!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What's the Best Blogging Software or Platform If I'm a Small Business?

I have a little blog where I talk to poor, depressed lawyers about ways to make their practices work a little better; for instance, by helping them to develop an online presence for free or close to My Favorite Price.

And as I've learned more, I've written more about the differences between blogging platforms. While this discussion was written initially for lawyers, there's no reason that actual people can't benefit from it, too!

So enjoy, and I hope your business volume goes up, and that you don't need to file a bankruptcy for your business, or personally!

p.s. at this point, for small business owners who are not at all computer literate, I tend to like TypePad as a blogging solution; it can provide a combo website/blog for about $15 per month, and requires essentially no technological savvy. Have your Geek Buddies help you "map around" the TypePad domain they give you for free, and map to the cool owned-by-you domain name you'll buy from GoDaddy or some such vendor. If you're starving and just want a site that's free to get started blogging, you can start with free TypePad.com, this platform (Blogger), or the free version of WordPress at WordPress.com. If you use a free version of any blogging platform, you'll probably want to pay a bit extra, even if the basic service is free, to suppress advertising on your blog.

If you're a technologically savvy kinda guy, I suggest self-hosted WordPress. But the idea of self-hosting and self-designing and self-troubleshooting strikes me as overwhelming unless you're a technoguy; but if you are, it's a very powerful and rich program for blogging.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Top Ten Business Bankruptcy Avoidance Articles!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

And If You Can't Avoid a Business Bankruptcy, Well...

If you can't avoid a business bankruptcy for this business, you'll probably want to learn as much about bankruptcy as you can.

Feel free to start with my bankruptcy blog, and here's a sample platter of the top ten bankruptcy articles from one of my Bankruptcy Blogs!


Top Ten Bankruptcy Articles This Week in my Other Blog!

Monday, April 25, 2011

More Lessons on Avoiding Bankruptcy; This Time from the BuzzMachine!

There's a smart guy named Jeff Jarvis, and he wrote a very insightful piece for newpapers, trying to help them avoid the need for a bankruptcy lawyer!

While Mr. Jarvis' valuable advice is directed particularly at newspapers, that advice is relevant to any number of other industries.

Which include law. And medicine. And probably whatever your business may be.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How to Blog to Attract All the Customers on Planet Earth. Seriously.

I have a little blog where I try to help baby lawyers (for whom there are no jobs during this depression, and them stuck with huge student loans!) and grownup lawyers who were pushed off the top of their high-rise office because their partners couldn't carry an international widget transaction lawyer when there was a depression and nobody was transacting widgets!

And I just wrote about blogging, and how to blog.

Even though I wrote it for lawyers, it has application if you're a chiropractor, a dentist, or an accountant who is blogging to improve your business prospects.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Free Marketing Opportunity for Very Small Business!

There's an interesting and free new site called About.me.

It provides a landing page and an email button and an easy way to list all the website locations that discuss your small business, including your blogs and websites.

Since it seems to me that having an additional website is probably good for entrepreneurs, AND the site is free, have at it!

And better go sooner rather than later, before the guy with all the tattoos and facial piercings with whom you share a name fills up the ecological niche!